Tuesday, July 7, 2009


A couple weeks ago Nichole and I went to Boston to go to a Red Sox game. We stayed the night at Nichole's grandparents house in Rhode Island Friday night then headed into Boston early the next morning. We met up with my friend Chase who is from SLC, but just recently moved to Boston. We met at the mall there which was huge and Nichole and I instantly fell in love with it! We headed to the game straight from there to beat traffic, which wasn't very successful but it added more adrenaline to the exciting adventure!

Of course being as friendly as Nichole and I are we made friends instantly! The people in front of us were from North Carolina. When they noticed the seats by us were free they moved up to sit by us. The people above us were from Utah. Small world! One was a Yankee fan and was very brave to support his team by wearing his hat! Sitting next to us was Sam, he was our favorite, such a sweetheart! They were all hilarious and made the game a blast!

After the game we got a little tour of Boston. Even though it was dark while we walked around it was beautiful and really fun! I can't wait to go back!

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