Monday, May 11, 2009

Kings Point Adventure

This past Saturday Jenny and I went to Long Island to hangout with Brock. I drove there for the first time and it really wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. I just hate going over the bridges! Especially the Verrazono, it's really pretty, but it still scares me! We met up with Brock then took the train into Manhattan (mine and Jenny's first train ride into the city). First we met up with Nolan and got the best cupcakes ever! We can always count on him for the best food in the city! Then we got some pizza, can never go wrong with New York pizza!

Next we went to the fountain that was in Enchanted, Jenny and i even threw pennies in and made wishes! It was so pretty, and the weather was really nice so we hung out there for awhile to rest from all the walking we had done!

You never know what you'll see in Central Park, that day we saw a guy singing opera, playing the violin, and dancing around like a maniac, yes, all at the same time! It was VERY entertaining!

After our feet were rested (of course Jenny and I wore the wrong shoes..again) We headed back to Brock's school. He's in the Navy and goes to the US Merchant Marine Academy. He gave us a tour of the campus and we even got to go on the "Toy Boat". Jenny and I were a little disappointed though when we were expecting it to be more like Titanic, but it was still way cool!

We got there right as the sun was setting and it was beautiful!! A perfect ending to a perfect day!


Jenny said...

Whoa now...YOU updated your blog before ME?! Crazy! Yes, it was a great weekend! We should do it again (with the right shoes!). :D

Amber said...

I know right, I never thought it would happen! haha! Yes, I agree!

Melissa said...

How fun! I can't wait to visit the city again (and, of course, to see you!). Sure do love and miss you....