Monday, September 8, 2008

Sweet Max

Where do i even begin with this little boy?? He has become a huge part of my life out here in New Jersey. I watch him while his parents are at work. As much as i love him, he does give me a run for my money. He's so fun and cute though, which makes it easier :)

How loves bath time-by the time i am done giving him one you would think i took one with him, because i am soaking wet! :)

Max and I LOVE going to the park! There are 4 on the street across from us so we go to a different one each day! It's so much more fun now that he can run around and climb on the playgrounds! He loves swings too-as you can tell by that huge grin in the picture :)

My friend Nichole who is also a nanny watches this little girl Lorelai who is 7 months. Her and Max are so cute together! We have playdates and the two babies laugh, stare and smile at each other non stop! It's adorable!

Max isn't a very good sleeper...well, at least not in his crib. He wants to be held and cuddled with. When he gets tired he picks up his blanket and binky, reaches for me to pick him up, then points to my room. He needs to start napping in his crib again, but it's even hard for me, because he's such a good snuggler :)


Melissa said...

I love that you added words - - now that's blogging! Your adorable photos are brought to life with the explanations. Max is one lucky little boy to have such a wonderful gal who loves and takes great care of him!

Prestclan said...

I love the photos and the comments. Even though you are across the country it feels a lot closer looking at the photos and reading your comments. Dad

Jenny said...

I miss that guy! Max cracked me up whenever i saw him! I love how pretty much all your pics have me in them-xcept the ones of max, sam, and the fam :D. Man i miss the east coast :( I miss the applebees half-price appetizers, beach, new york...EVERYTHING!