Saturday, March 14, 2009

I Love NY

A couple weeks ago my friend Nick and his friend Derrick came out to visit me! It was so much fun! We spent the weekend in NYC with a my other friend Rhisleyne and her cousin. It was the first time the boys have been in the city so naturally we did all the tourist stuff. Empire, Time Square, China town, Little Italy, Central park, etc. Even though it seems like i've done them a million times now it was a blast! The boys were so funny and kept us laughing the whole time! Ay i'm walking here!

By the end of the day our faces were frozen so we had to stretch them out a bit :)

New Yorks finest. ha ha.

Puerto Rico

I went to Puerto Rico for a week with the family i work for. It was beautiful and a lot of fun. Poor little Max got sick the second day we were there, but he was such a trooper! He drank some tap water that didn't agree with his stomach, and teething on top of that was not fun. For him, or us. He had a blast the first day though and he felt better the day we left, thank heavens he wasn't sick on the plane ride back to Jersey!