Monday, September 8, 2008

Sweet Max

Where do i even begin with this little boy?? He has become a huge part of my life out here in New Jersey. I watch him while his parents are at work. As much as i love him, he does give me a run for my money. He's so fun and cute though, which makes it easier :)

How loves bath time-by the time i am done giving him one you would think i took one with him, because i am soaking wet! :)

Max and I LOVE going to the park! There are 4 on the street across from us so we go to a different one each day! It's so much more fun now that he can run around and climb on the playgrounds! He loves swings too-as you can tell by that huge grin in the picture :)

My friend Nichole who is also a nanny watches this little girl Lorelai who is 7 months. Her and Max are so cute together! We have playdates and the two babies laugh, stare and smile at each other non stop! It's adorable!

Max isn't a very good sleeper...well, at least not in his crib. He wants to be held and cuddled with. When he gets tired he picks up his blanket and binky, reaches for me to pick him up, then points to my room. He needs to start napping in his crib again, but it's even hard for me, because he's such a good snuggler :)

U.S Open

Sam and I went to the U.S Open in New York - something i've always wanted to do! It was and amazing experience and tons of fun! The tickets were from 7am-2pm so it was a long hot day. The tickets we got gave us a guaranteed seat in the Arther Ash stadium (the main stadium) and we could walk around to all the other matches going on. We got to watch Serena Williams play, and many other great players!

After the matches were over we went across the park where MIB was filmed. We took pictures and walked around the park. It was very nice.


I Love My Family!!

Mom and Gloria came out to visit me for a week!

Jersey Girls

The 3 Nannies!
I met Jenny and Nichole at church. They are so much fun to be with! Unfortunately Jenny was only here for the summer. Good thing shes from Utah! We had so much fun together though! I've made some great friends out here!

NYC Adventures!

Subway Surfing! Next time you're on a subway tray staying up without holding on to something. We make it look easy, but it's a lot harder than it looks.

Jenny and i spent a day in the city shopping for purses, then later that night went to the play Wicked. It was AMAZING!! I was hesitant about buying tickets, but Jenny got a killer deal and it was definitely worth it!

After the play we were walking back to port authority and saw these guys with motorcycles. We just HAD to take a picture! We gave the guys our shopping bags, purses, and cameras to take our picture. We should have taken a picture of these tough biker guys with all our stuff. Wasn't it a sight!!


The friends i've met here in Jersey are great! We have so much fun together, whether we go into NYC, the beach, or even just hanging out at our local applebees.